There's no getting away from it, going into a ring and facing an opponent who is trying to kick and punch you is frightening.
So, why put yourself through it?
You learn to control your fear and gain self confidence. You will find it easier to face new challenges in life.
You learn to control your anger and if you control your anger and frustration allowing you to think clearly and you are less likely to act rashly and do things you later regret.
You learn humility and you get a realistic handle on your own importance- which is nice for everyone around you!
Three step sparring is designed for the beginner to learn the basic techniques. Three step sparring teaches the student many things, i.e. proper distance, correct facing, forearm conditioning, correct blocks, correct stances, counter attacks and timing.
Two step sparring is designed for the intermediate student to learn more advanced techniques, also using the same timing and distance as in three step sparring, but with more varied attacks, thus allowing the attacking student to develop various combinations.
One step sparring is the most realistic form of sparring there is, simply because the defender cannot foresee the attack coming. Therefore, the defender must have very fast reflexes, in order to defend and defeat the opponent. This form of sparring is completely different to free sparring, i.e. take down techniques, arm locks, joint breaking techniques etc., are practised. Both students normally begin in parallel stance, but this may be varied at the Instructors discretion.
This form of sparring is designed as a step forward from basic three step sparring. It involves three consecutive attacks (hand or feet) and three blocks or evasions, plus a counter attack. Three step semi-free sparring should not be hurried, the secret is reaction force and quick intelligent movements. This is where the true art of sparring is leant.
This is mainly used for stamina training between intermediate and advanced students. Both students start in fighting position and when the command is given, one student will start with one technique, as soon as the technique is over, the other student attacks immediately, and so on. Because this is a stamina exercise, it does not mean that techniques should be sloppy, they should be crisp and well executed.
Free sparring is basically putting what has been leant so far into practise, with no pre warning of attack. Therefore, not as many defending techniques can be practised as in other forms of sparring. Free sparing can be practised with no pads and should be strictly no contact. Semi- contact sparring is allowed only with adequate protection (i.e. safety boots and gloves.) This type of sparring must only be carried out under strict supervision of a qualified instructor.