TaeKwon-Do is an activity for all ages, promoting fitness, self-respect and self-discipline TaeKwon-Do involves both physical and mental discipline. Through self-discipline and respect you will develop both a sensitivity for the needs of others and pride in your own achievements.

TaeKwon-Do is the Korean Art of Self-Defense and means 'Art of Foot and Hand Fighting'. It is a version of an ancient form of unarmed combat practiced for many centuries in the Orient. TaeKwon-Do came to be perfected in its present form in Korea.
Translated from Korean - TAE literally means to kick or smash with the foot. KWON means to punch or smash with the hand or fist. DO means art, way or method.

TaeKwon-Do is rightly called a “martial art” because it has actually been employed by the Korean military. Even in these days of long range weaponry there are times when soldiers engages in hand-to-hand combat and it is under these circumstances that TaeKwon-Do has proved itself effective. It is also an exciting combat sport in which skills are tested in rigorously controlled competitions.


TaeKwon-Do will improve your fitness, Strength, Power, Flexibility and most of all your Confidence. It will help you control or channel your aggression should the need arise. Right from the first lesson you start developing a whole new range of skills and capabilities with the opportunity to realise self-achievement.



In these days of increasing violent attacks on women it has now more than ever, become necessary for women to be prepared to protect themselves. More and more women are turning to martial arts for protection and TaeKwon-Do can certainly provide this. It is a superb form of self-defence and a great way to keep fit and trim. TaeKwon-Do is safe, practical and most of all enjoyable.



Children who acquire self confidence at an early age are far more likely to succeed in their adult ambitions. TaeKwon-Do is arguably the best method of installing confidence into children and at the same time emphasising the importance or respect and discipline. As a result of the fast and exciting nature of TaeKwon-Do there are thousands of children participating throughout the U.K. and millions worldwide.



The competition side of TaeKwon-Do is purely optional. In competition contestants wear safety padding on their head, fists, feet and impacts are “Pulled” to avoid injury. One form of TaeKwon-Do has now been accepted in the Olympic games.



All matches are Semi-contact with full safety equipment worn to avoid any risk of injury. The pace is fast and furious, and visually exciting. Ask your instructor for details of competitions. “Remember you don’t have to compete in competitions – but its great to go and watch”.



Are a set of movements mainly defence and attack, set in a logical sequence to deal with one or more imaginary opponents. Concentration, technique, skill, balance, dynamics and elegance are just a few requirements needed to perform a pattern. It is also an indication of a students progress – a barometer in evaluating an individual’s technique.